Define decision tables in Excel workbooks

Define decision tables in Excel workbooks

To author rules in Excel, you simply write rules in tables, and use Oracle Policy Modeling styles to identify the type of information in the cells so that they can be compiled for use with the Oracle Determinations Engine. You can have as many worksheets for rules in your document as you need.

What do you want to do?

Understand the styles used for rule tables

Create a rule table in Excel

Prove multiple attributes for the same set of conditions

Prove the same set of conclusions using multiple conditions

Allow rule conditions to evaluate in any order and handle missing values

Write a comparison type rule where a decision applies to a range of numbers or dates

Split rule tables according to the date they apply from

Use entity attributes in an Excel rule table

Prove a text attribute in an Excel rule

Understand the styles used for rule tables

Excel rules which are intended for compiling in Oracle Policy Modeling need to be marked up using the styles supplied with the Oracle Policy Modeling Excel document template. The following styles are used for writing rules:

Style Name Description
Conclusion Heading Used to mark up a conclusion column in a rule block. The text is either "conclusion" or an attribute ID.
Conclusion Used to mark up an attribute that will be concluded by a rule
Condition Heading Used to mark up a condition column in a rule block. The text is either "condition" or an attribute ID.
Condition Used to mark up a condition for a part of a rule. If the condition header is "condition", the condition must be a complete expression or a valid boolean attribute. If the condition header is an attribute ID, the condition must be either a constant or a comparison of the same type as the attribute.
Else Used to mark up the else condition
Commentary Used to mark up descriptive text in a rule block. The text is ignored when generating the rule.


The heading cells are optional. Similarly, the order of cells is irrelevant since each style is unique - as long as the necessary styles are used with valid cell contents.


  1. Regardless of the order of declaration on a worksheet, the order of processing is "global entity", "entity" and then any attributes. This ensures that attributes appear in the correct entity.
  2. To format a cell as a currency value, do not use the button on the Excel formatting toolbar - instead go to Format | Cells and select Currency on the Number tab.
  3. When working with numbers, currencies, dates and time in Microsoft Excel, the regional setting of the computer should accord with the rulebase project’s region. This is because Microsoft Excel formats the data types using the templates in the regional setting.
  4. If you use a text attribute you can either put the value of that text attribute in quotes or not in quotes and it will be treated the same way.

  5. If you want to use a text function in a rule table, you need to put the function text in parentheses.

Create a rule table in Excel

When you add an Excel document to your project, it will contain a rule template on the Rule Table worksheet that looks like this:


condition condition conclusion conclusion


To write a simple rule in Excel which contains a single condition and a single conclusion, follow the steps below. In this example we will be concluding the nationality of the individual based on their country of citizenship. NOTE: Variable attributes should be declared in a properties file before use in Excel. (There is no need to declare boolean attributes before using them in rules.) In this example, the text variables "the country of citizenship" and "the nationality of the individual" have already been declared in the properties files in the project.

  1. Replace the text condition in the second column with "the country of citizenship". This cell is already in the correct Condition Heading style. As we will only be having one set of conditions you can delete the first condition column.
  2. Replace the text conclusion with "the nationality of the individual". This cell is already in the correct Conclusion Heading style. As we will only be having one set of conclusions you can delete the other conclusion column.
  3. Type "USA" in the cell below the "the country of citizenship" cell. Tab across to the next cell (the cell below the "the nationality of the individual" cell) and type "American". These cells are already in the correct styles: Condition and Conclusion respectively. Delete the next two rows, as they won't be used.
  4. In the row below, enter another condition "Scotland" with the associated conclusion "Scottish". Follow this on the next row with another condition "Japan" and conclusion "Japanese".
  5. Type "uncertain" in the cell next to the else condition. This applies an alternative conclusion of "uncertain".


Your rule table should look like this:


the country of citizenship the nationality of the individual
USA American
Scotland Scottish
Japan Japanese
else uncertain

Decision tables written in Excel are converted into internally generated rule tables by Oracle Policy Modeling when the rules are compiled. The table above will create the following rule (xgen) in Oracle Policy Modeling. (This can be viewed in OPM by right-clicking on the rule document in the Project Explorer and selecting Open Rule Browser.)


the nationality of the individual

Rule Tables.xgen

a1: the nationality of the individual
"American" a2: the country of citizenship = "USA"
"Scottish" a2: the country of citizenship = "Scotland"
"Japanese" a2: the country of citizenship = "Japan"
"uncertain" otherwise

Prove multiple attributes for the same set of conditions

Using just one table in Excel you can prove multiple attributes for the same set of conditions (unlike in Word which would require multiple rule tables).

Assuming you have the following variables already declared, the text variables "the country of citizenship", "the nationality of the individual" and "the currency of the country", you could have the following rule table:


the country of citizenship the nationality of the individual the currency of the country
USA American Dollar
Scotland Scottish Pound
Japan Japanese Yen
else uncertain uncertain

Prove the same set of conclusions using multiple conditions

You can specify multiple conditions for a particular conclusion in Excel, merging the conclusion cells if appropriate to influence the way the rule is evaluated.

For example, you may wish to determine the appropriate ticket type for different combinations of adults and children. If you have the following variables:


Attribute Type Attribute Text Legend Key
Number the number of adults in the group Adults
Number the number of children in the group Children
Text the ticket type Ticket


you may have the following rule table:


Adults Children Ticket
1 0 Single
1 1 Double
2 0 Double
2 1 Family
2 2 Family
2 3 Family
3 0 Family
  else Combo


The rule generated for this table in Oracle Policy Modeling will look like the following:


the ticket type

Multiple conclusions unmerged.xgen

ticket_type: the ticket type


number_adults: the number of adults in the group = 1 and

number_children: the number of children in the group = 0



number_adults: the number of adults in the group = 1 and

number_children: the number of children in the group = 1



number_adults: the number of adults in the group = 2 and

number_children: the number of children in the group = 0



number_adults: the number of adults in the group = 2 and

number_children: the number of children in the group = 1



number_adults: the number of adults in the group = 2 and

number_children: the number of children in the group = 2



number_adults: the number of adults in the group = 2 and

number_children: the number of children in the group = 3



number_adults: the number of adults in the group = 3 and

number_children: the number of children in the group = 0

"Combo" otherwise


We can leave a condition cell empty if we do not wish to test the value of the attribute for that conclusion cell. In our example, we may decide that two adults can enter under a Family ticket if they have any children with them, and three adults can be covered by a Family ticket regardless of whether there are children with them.


Adults Children Ticket
1 0 Single
1 1 Double
2 0 Double
2   Family
3   Family
  else Combo


This will simplify the logic, and the rule generated:


the ticket type

Multiple conclusions simplified.xgen

ticket_type: the ticket type


number_adults: the number of adults in the group = 1 and

number_children: the number of children in the group = 0



number_adults: the number of adults in the group = 1 and

number_children: the number of children in the group = 1



number_adults: the number of adults in the group = 2 and

number_children: the number of children in the group = 0


number_adults: the number of adults in the group = 2


number_adults: the number of adults in the group = 3

"Combo" otherwise


We can also merge the cells for the conclusion values, if there are multiple condition rows that prove the same conclusion.


Adults Children Ticket
1 0 Single
1 1 Double
2 0
2   Family
  else Combo

This will simplify the appearance of the Excel rule table and emphasize that the value inferred for Ticket will be the same in more than one possible scenario. However, it will also change the way Oracle Policy Modeling interprets the logic of the rule. The internal rule table generated from an Excel rule table includes a row for each Excel conclusion cell. This means that instead of having two rows in the generated rule table proving the same conclusion value (which will be evaluated in order from the top down), we now have a single row proving the conclusion value, with multiple options that may be evaluated in any order. This can be useful if our rules need to allow for some condition values being unknown.


the ticket type

Multiple conclusions merged.xgen

ticket_type: the ticket type


number_adults: the number of adults in the group = 1 and

number_children: the number of children in the group = 0




number_adults: the number of adults in the group = 1 and

number_children: the number of children in the group = 1



number_adults: the number of adults in the group = 2 and

number_children: the number of children in the group = 0



number_adults: the number of adults in the group = 2 or

number_adults: the number of adults in the group = 3

"Combo" otherwise


TIP: To see an example of a complete rulebase with merged condition and conclusion cells, open and run the Insurance Fraud Score example rulebase project provided in the Examples folder in the Oracle Policy Modeling installation folder.

Allow rule conditions to evaluate in any order and handle missing values

The internal rule tables that are generated by Oracle Policy Modeling from decision tables in Excel are evaluated row by row from the top down. If the first row of a table cannot be evaluated (ie if some of the condition values are unknown), then the evaluation of the rule table as a whole will not progress beyond that row, even if a later row in the same table can be evaluated because all of its condition values are fully known.

In some cases, this may not be the most useful way for the rule to evaluate. If a single conclusion is proved in multiple ways, you can merge a single conclusion cell across all of the different condition rows. Oracle Policy Modeling will then allow any of those condition rows to prove the conclusion value, in any order.

For example, in the following rule cells we would like either of the two rows to be able to prove the conclusion.


Occupation Age Entitlement
Student   TRUE
  16 TRUE


With the current rule table layout, the rule generated by Oracle Policy Modeling will have separate rows for each of the rows in our Excel rule. Because a rule table evaluates from the top down, this will mean that even if we know that a person is 16 and hence is entitled to Youth Benefit, the rule table would be unable to conclude a result until we know the person's occupation and can evaluate the first row.


the applicant is entitled to the benefit

Handle missing data unmerged.xgen

applicant_entitlement: the applicant is entitled to the benefit
true applicant_occupation: the applicant's occupation = "Student"
true applicant_age: the applicant's age = 16
uncertain otherwise


However, if we merge the cells containing the conclusions that apply to these two rows, the internal rule generated by Oracle Policy Modeling combines these rows with an "or" condition in a single rule table row, rather than the two separate rule table rows generated above.


Occupation Age Entitlement
Student   TRUE

This new structure allows the conditions proving the conclusion to be evaluated in any order, so the second row will now allow the rule to be evaluated even if the first row values are unknown.


the applicant is entitled to the benefit

Handle missing data merged.xgen

applicant_entitlement: the applicant is entitled to the benefit


applicant_occupation: the applicant's occupation = "Student" or

applicant_age: the applicant's age = 16

uncertain otherwise

Write a comparison type rule where a decision applies to a range of numbers or dates

For non-text conditions, it is likely that the decision will apply to a range of numbers or dates rather than to a specific number or date. A simple example is the mapping of taxable income to tax rates for a particular date range:


Attribute Type Attribute Text Legend Key
Date the assessment date Assessment Date
Currency the client's taxable income Taxable Income
Number the client's tax rate Tax Rate


Assessment Date Taxable Income Tax Rate
>=2006-07-01 <2007-07-01 >=0 <12000 0
>=12000 <24000 0.22
>=24000 <36000 0.27
>=36000 <48000 0.36
>=48000   0.48
>=2005-07-01 <2006-07-01 >=0 <12000 0
>=12000 <24000 0.22
>=24000 <36000 0.27
>=36000 <48000 0.35
>=48000   0.47
>=2004-07-01 <2005-07-01 >=0 <12000 0
>=12000 <24000 0.21
>=24000 <36000 0.26
>=36000 <48000 0.34
>=48000   0.46
      else 0.5


It is also possible that you may want to have multiple comparisons for one attribute as exemplified below:


Attribute Type Attribute Text Legend Key
Number the current temperature Temp
Text the person's gender Gender
Text the state the person is likely to be in State


Temp Temp Gender State
  <=0   Freezing
>0 <12 male Cold
>0 <16 female Cold
>=20 <24   Comfortable
>30     Hot
    else Uncertain

Split rule tables according to the date they apply from

Tables can be split over several sheets in the same file to allow for regular table updates that apply from a particular date. This is managed by the insertion of a master table that prioritizes the sheets. The prioritization is done by reference to sheet name, which is specified in the tab for the sheet. For example, you could have:


Attribute Type Attribute Text Legend Key
Text the type of ticket Ticket
Currency the ticket price Price
Date the date of purchase Date


Date Apply Sheet
>= 2006-07-01 2006-2007
>= 2005-07-01 2005-2006
else pre 2005-2006


The logic of these tables is consolidated on compile, and therefore does not result in multiply proven attributes. Master tables use the standard rule condition and conclusion styles but have a single conclusion column headed "Apply Sheet" in the Conclusion Heading style. Note that the text "Apply Sheet" therefore cannot be used as a column heading in a standard rule table.

In this example, you would have three other worksheets which contain the rule tables below. Note that the worksheets must be titled (case-sensitive) according to the names given in the Apply Sheet column.


pre 2005-2006

Ticket Price
Adult 14
Concession 10
Child 6
else 14



Ticket Price
Adult 16
Concession 12
Child 8
else 16



Ticket Price
Adult 20
Concession 15
Child 10
else 20


This will create the following rule in Oracle Policy Modeling:


the ticket price

Split tables.xgen

price_ticket: the ticket price


ticket_type: the type of ticket = "Adult" and

purchase_date: the date of purchase >= 07/01/2006



ticket_type: the type of ticket = "Concession" and

purchase_date: the date of purchase >= 07/01/2006



ticket_type: the type of ticket = "Child" and

purchase_date: the date of purchase >= 07/01/2006

20 purchase_date: the date of purchase >= 07/01/2006


ticket_type: the type of ticket = "Adult" and

purchase_date: the date of purchase >= 07/01/2005



ticket_type: the type of ticket = "Concession" and

purchase_date: the date of purchase >= 07/01/2005



ticket_type: the type of ticket = "Child" and

purchase_date: the date of purchase >= 07/01/2005

16 purchase_date: the date of purchase >= 07/01/2005
14 ticket_type: the type of ticket = "Adult"
10 ticket_type: the type of ticket = "Concession"
6 ticket_type: the type of ticket = "Child"
14 true
uncertain otherwise


TIP: To see an example of a complete rulebase using 'Apply Sheet' to reason about attributes that change over time, open and run the Insurance Fraud Score example rulebase project provided in the Examples folder in the Oracle Policy Modeling installation folder.

Use entity attributes in an Excel rule table

You can prove entity-level attributes in Excel rule tables, however, all conclusion attributes in the table must be in the same entity. The condition attributes in the rule table may be in the same entity as the conclusion, or they may reference any entities in the containment relationships of the conclusion entity.

For example, the following rule table infers conclusion attributes in "the pet" entity, using condition attributes in the entity "the child" and the global entity, which are both in its containment relationship as shown:



the grocery shopping has been done the child is on school holidays the pet is happy the pet is well fed
  else uncertain uncertain


Entity level attributes can also be used in condition cells with most entity functions. For example, the following rule uses the InstanceCount function to set the child's pocket money depending on how many pets she owns.


condition the amount of pocket money the child gets
the number of the child's pets = 0 $5.00
the number of the child's pets = 1 $8.00
the number of the child's pets = 2 $10.00
else $15.00


NOTE: The entity functions that cannot be used in this way in Excel are those which deal with multiple entities: ForScope, ForAllScope, ExistsScope, IsMemberOf, IsNotMemberOf, InstanceEquals, InstanceNotEquals.

TIP: To see an example of a complete rulebase using entity level attributes, functions and calculations based on entity instances, open and run the Insurance Fraud Score example rulebase project provided in the Examples folder in the Oracle Policy Modeling installation folder.

Prove a text attribute in an Excel rule

When proving a text attribute in an Excel rule, you need to enclose the attribute text in parentheses so that the compiler recognizes it as an attribute.

For example, if you had the following declarations:


Attribute Type Attribute Text
Text the location of the overall winner
Text the winner of the overall award
Text the winner of the award in Australia
Text the winner of the award in Japan
Text the winner of the award in the UK
Text the winner of the award in the US


you would need to put the text attribute’s text in parentheses when it is being concluded in a rule table. For example:


the location of the overall winner the winner of the overall award
Australia (the winner of the award in Australia)
Japan (the winner of the award in Japan)
United Kingdom (the winner of the award in the UK)
United States (the winner of the award in the US)
else uncertain


If you had not put the parentheses around these text attributes in the rule, these attributes would not be recognized and the resulting rule would conclude the literal strings.

When concluding a specific value for a text attribute it is not necessary to enclose it in parentheses (note that you can either put the value of that text attribute in quotes or not in quotes and it will be treated the same way).


See also: